Angels in the Bible




God’s spiritual army is real, even though invisible, and active on the side of those who strive to live God way of life.

Angles have been given the task of protecting God’s people down through the ages. (See: Rev.1:4, 16, 20; 2:1, 8, 18; 3:1, 7, 14)

But angles also have other duties they perform.

1.) God has angels who constantly patrol the earth, reporting back to Him at His throne. (Rev. 5:6; Zech. 4:10; II Chron. 16:9)

2.) Angels watch after the saints, the begotten of God (Acts 12:15; Matt18:10 Ps. 91:11)

3.) And they have been assigned to watch over the little ones of this earth (Matt. 18:10 Acts 12:15).

4.) Angels have served as messengers. The Bible tells that Gabriel appeared to Zachariah, the father of John the Baptist, and to Mary the mother of Jesus. What form have these messengers taken?

Let’s look at one example. Rhoda, a young girl who came to see who was at the gate, was shocked to find Peter, who had been supernaturally released from prison by an angel. Rushing back inside she informed the others that Peter stood without, but they didn’t believe her and claimed that she must have seen ‘his angel’ (Acts 12:6-15).

Angels often take on the form of men. Abraham, Lot, Haga, Moses, Manoan, Gideon,and Elijah are just a few who have had first hand encounters with angels.

The apostle Paul tells us to remember to practice hospitality toward strangers, “for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Heb 13:2

The Archangels The bible mentions three angels by name, who seem to have a high rank, or office. Lucifer, now Satan the Devil; Gabriel, who appears to be one of God’s Chief Messengers; Michael, called one of the Chief Princes and whom Jude identifies as an archangel.

It is Michael, we are told who will lead the heavenly army in its battle against Satan and his demons just before the time of the end (Rev. 12:7).

Seven Trumpets Jesus Christ has been prophesied to return to this planet earth (Acts 1:11).

This time he will come with a heavenly army to make war against Satan and those who follow his evil way of get. (Rev. 19: 1-14).

But before God’s kingdom is established the world must go through a time of great tribulation.(Matt. 24: 21)

7 Angels with Seven Trumpets We haven’t the time to cover it in great detail in this lesson, but a look at Revelation 15 will show you the seven trumpets that seven angels will sound before the return of Christ.

It will be a time of world wide woe and misery such as mankind has never, nor will ever again know. Yet there is good news.

What will take place at the last trumpet? Rev. 10: 7 tells us that the mystery of God will be revealed, and Rev. 11:15 shows us that the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of Jesus Christ. Satan’s Fate What will happen to Satan and his demons?

After this great battle a strong angel will chain Satan and cast him into a bottomless pit where he will be unable to deceive the world for a thousand years.

( Rev. 20:1-3) Then, and only then, can the world be at peace, free at last from the dark forces of Satan and his demons!

Thank you: “LORD JESUS”